
Kennel Kuri paiherea – Piauau Hiriwa, Paura Pango ranei

Kennel Kuri kuaha o waho

Rauemi:piauau wera me te paninga paura anga maitai me nga waea rino.
Waea diameter:8 mehua, 11 mehua, 12 mehua (2.6 mm, 3.0 mm, 4.0 mm)
Te whakatuwhera mata:2″ × 4″ (50 mm × 100 mm)
Porohita ngongo diameter:1.25″ (32 mm)
Te whanui ngongo tapawha:0.8″ × 0.8″, 1.1″ × 1.1″ (20 × 20 mm, 28 × 28 mm)
Rahi kōwhiringa:
4′ (L) × 4′ (W) × 6′ (H)
(122 cm (L) × 122 cm (W) × 183 cm (H))
5′ (L) × 5′ (W) × 4′ (H)
(152 cm (L) × 152 cm (W) × 122 cm (H))
5′ (L) × 10′ (W) × 4′ (H)
(152 cm (L) × 305 cm (W) × 122 cm (H))
8′ (L) × 4′ (W) × 6′ (H)
(244 cm (L) × 122 cm (W) × 183 cm (H))
10′ (L) × 5′ (W) × 6′ (H)
(305 cm (L) × 152 cm (W) × 183 cm (H))
10′ (L) × 10′ (W) × 6′ (H)
(305 cm (L) × 305 cm (W) × 183 cm (H))

Ka taea te hanga hoahoa hou kia rite ki o hiahia

Kennel kuri paiherea, he momo mahi taumahawhare kurī, Ko te momo kennel tino rongonui mo te mokai mahi haumaru, momo.

Ka taea e te anga ngongo konganuku taumaha me te ine taumaha te whakakii i nga kupenga ka paiherea kia noho humarie o mokai ki roto me te aukati i te mawhiti.

Ko te papanga paninga paura kore-paitini-wera-wera ranei, kua piki ake te mahi waikura me te waikura,
ka whakawhānui i te oranga o te ratonga ahakoa i roto i nga taiao tino kino o waho.

Ko te nuinga o nga mea katoa, ko nga whiringa rahinga maha he waahi whanui mo te nuinga o nga kararehe.

Tūemi Rahi Kennel Momo Tāpare Mōkī
WDKS-01 4′ (L) × 4′ (W) × 6′ (H)
122 cm (L) × 122 cm (W) × 183 cm (H)
0.8″ anga tapawha
20 mm anga tapawha
WDKS-02 5′ (L) × 5′ (W) × 4′ (H)
152 cm (L) × 152 cm (W) × 122 cm (H)
0.8″ anga tapawha
20 mm anga tapawha
WDKS-03 5′ (L) × 10′ (W) × 4′ (H)
152 cm (L) × 305 cm (W) × 122 cm (H)
1.1″ anga tapawha
28 mm anga tapawha
1.25″ anga porohita
32 mm anga tapawha
WDKS-04 8′ (L) × 4′ (W) × 6′ (H)
244 cm (L) × 122 cm (W) × 183 cm (H)
0.8″ anga tapawha
20 mm anga tapawha
WDKS-05 10′ (L) × 5′ (W) × 6′ (H)
305 cm (L) × 152 cm (W) × 183 cm (H)
1.1″ anga tapawha
28 mm anga tapawha
1.25″ anga porohita
32 mm anga porotaka
WDKS-06 10′ (L) × 10′ (W) × 6′ (H)
305 cm (L) × 305 cm (W) × 183 cm (H)
1.1″ anga tapawha
28 mm anga tapawha
1.25″ anga porohita
32 mm anga porotaka
Ko nga rahi motuhake ka taea te whakarite noa kia rite ki nga whakaritenga a nga kaihoko. Me pai noa ki te WHAKAPAKI mai.

Mena kei te pirangi koe ki te hoko i te whare kuri ngawari me te ngawari, whiriwhiria noa teKORERO KURUNGA RANGATIRA .

whare kurī hononga mekameka me te uhi

Mena kei te pirangi koe ki te hoko i nga pouaka kuri mo nga momo o roto me waho, whiriwhiri noa i teKAUPAPA KURI.

whare herehere kuri nui me te tatau whangai

He maha atu nga hua, tirohia to maatauRĀrangi HUAmo to hoko kotahi-mutu.

Wā tuku: Tihema-01-2022